Babies on the Brain

wth, fruit ticker?

how long is my kid gonna be a papaya? hasn't he graduated to other fruit, like a melon that kicks like a ninja?

::pokes belly:: I know you're alive, and I know you're in there, and I know you're practicing early for your black belt.

Baby in a Blue Teapot
Tempest in a Blue Teapot, food and everything else
AlternaTickers - Cool, free Web tickers
BabyFruit Ticker
"You live, you learn, you drink, and move on." ~ Rotty

Re: wth, fruit ticker?

  • I tried to use that ticker, but it was way off.  If I clicked on the "how big is baby" link on the right side of the Bump main page it told me something very different than that ticker.  ::kicks ticker creator::
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