I think I had my official freak out at about 37 weeks! More about labor than bringing home a baby though. I had a rough delivery, 28 hours, 2+ pushing and I already feel ready too do it again, so you'll be fine .
I'm excited to see the rest of your pics too!
I'm doing good, starting to plan Isla's 1st birthday party, ::sobs::
EBFing, CDing, Baby Wearing, Bed sharing, SAHM and loving every single minute of it!
Sushi Sister to Chatham2007
Re: Bev
Awww thank you! I cannot believe I am already at 35/35. I am starting to sorta freak out...lol
We did the maternity pics this morning and I cannot wait to see them all.
How have you been?
I think I had my official freak out at about 37 weeks! More about labor than bringing home a baby though. I had a rough delivery, 28 hours, 2+ pushing and I already feel ready too do it again, so you'll be fine
I'm excited to see the rest of your pics too!
I'm doing good, starting to plan Isla's 1st birthday party, ::sobs::