I'm thinking that perhaps I have a blocked duct, could this cause me to have a fever? I'm within two weeks of my c-section but the incision looks great, on the other hand my right breast is sore, a little red, and hot. I certainly can't stop pumping, I have a preemie and I need to give her as much BM as I can, although she doesn't really nurse except comfort nursing.
I called my doctor and spoke to the nurse who did not seem too concerned as the c-section incision looks good but she did say I can go back to L&D if I need to. I have been able to control the fever throughout the day as I am on Ibuprofen anyway.
Any suggestions? Things I need to look out for? I'm going to start using warm & cold compresses tonight but I'm wondering if there is anything I can do in regards to my pumping, shorter period of time (I try to power pump at least once a day), placement of the horns, etc. Thanks!
Re: feeling sick & achy
Call you ARNP, Mastitis needs to be treated with anti-biotics. If it is a blocked duct you can use a hot compress, then pump out the duct. I had one as well and it made me have flu-like symptoms. I used the hot compress and nursed and it went away. I felt fine soon after. I hope you feel better. Take care!