My original goal was to breastfeed until Colton was 6 months old and I'm not sure if I'll make it that long. With my job and commute, it ts getting increasingly difficult to pump 6 x a day. If I go to 5 x a day, do you think I'll have a significant drop in supply?
I've got a good freezer stash that should last for 3 weeks or so. Now I'm able to produce about 30 ounces a day. I'm thinking the reward of spending more time with my baby (and freedom to work and live life without being strapped to a pump for 45 minutes per session) will be well worth any necessary supplementation with formula.
Re: Pumping is really wearing me out
I sah w/ the boys but ep'ed due to latching issues. It is really hard and anyone who pumps as much as you has done their duty. This was my thoughts:
Once I knew I was going to start weaning from the pump, I started supplementing w/ formula. They got a mix of bm and formula for a long time that way.
For me, I was able to maintain my supply every time I reduced the number of times I pump. Some women even see an increase in their supply.
You need to do what's going to make you the best and happiest mom to Colton. I know it's harder said than done, but try not to stress out too much over this. If pumping less and giving formula is going to make your time with Colton more enjoyable, then that's what you need to do. Good luck!