Alabama Babies

Baby Southern will be here June 9th!!!

Haven't been on in awhile and for the past few days the bump wouldn't let me post.  Weird.

Anywho...just wanted to announce that baby Southern will be here June 9th via c-section unless I can go into labor.  PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE can I ask for your prayers for labor.  I'd love to have a VBAC and labor is the only way that will happen. 

I have a massage scheduled for Sunday and will be getting a pedicure either tomorrow or Tuesday...maybe both!  Maybe with all that rubbing something will happen LOL

DD 6/17/08, DD 6/9/10, DD 12/15/11
BFP 5/24/13 - Natural MC 6/7/13
BFP 8/13/13 - Natural MC 8/27/13
Ovarian Mass = removal of left ovary & tube 9/13
BFP 4/24/14 - Tubal Pregnancy 5/7/14
Removal of  ruptured right tube 5/8/14
IVF or adoption??

Re: Baby Southern will be here June 9th!!!

  • Congrats & Good Luck!! Prayers that you go into labor on your own and have a successful VBAC. Either way you're getting a beautiful new blessing!!

    Enjoy your pampering!!

    DD born 8/24/07
    TTC #2 since 4/09
    Unexplained Secondary IF
    4 failed rounds of clomid ~ 4 failed IUIs ~ 1 m/c
    2/3/11: IUI #5 - Femara/Follistim/Ovidrel/Crinone = BFP (2/14)!!!
    Beta #1 (12dpiui): 53 Beta #2 (14dpiui): 203 Beta #3 (20dpiui): 3932 Beta #4 (28dpiui): 60,775
    1st U/S (3/3): 2 sacs & yolks 2nd U/S (3/8) 2 heartbeats-TWINS!
    Baby A:6w6d HR 131 Baby B:6w4d HR 124
    Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic
    TWINS!! EDD 10/25/2011
    BabyFruit Ticker
    Lilypie Pregnancy tickers
  • I will be praying for a VBAC, but good luck either way :) Not long and you will meet your sweet baby!
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  • kc0721kc0721 member
    Sending lots of labor dust your way.  Enjoy your pampering.  In less than a week your new LO will be here!!! 
  • Yay! So excited for you.

    If you want to go into labor on your own, will they allow you go longer or postpone your scheduled c-section if she isn't here by the 9th?

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    BabyFruit Ticker
    mmc and d&c at 8.5 weeks - 8/23/2010
    natural m/c and d&c at 10 weeks - 1/24/2014
    DX w/ hetero C677t and A1298C MTHFR - 3/4/2014

  • imageMissLMS:

    Yay! So excited for you.

    If you want to go into labor on your own, will they allow you go longer or postpone your scheduled c-section if she isn't here by the 9th?

    I could go to my due date but given my history of having a 10lber (and a c/s) and the fact that this one is already measuring 4 wks ahead...I just wouldn't feel comfortable trying on my own after 39 wks.  I'm ok having another section but would definitely not mind at all if I got to have a VBAC instead Wink

    DD 6/17/08, DD 6/9/10, DD 12/15/11
    BFP 5/24/13 - Natural MC 6/7/13
    BFP 8/13/13 - Natural MC 8/27/13
    Ovarian Mass = removal of left ovary & tube 9/13
    BFP 4/24/14 - Tubal Pregnancy 5/7/14
    Removal of  ruptured right tube 5/8/14
    IVF or adoption??
  • Labor dust your way!
  • Good luck!!  I hope you get to have your VBAC :)
  • Lots of prayers for labor!!  Good luck!
  • Sending labor dust your way!!
  • Woohoo! I was just thinking about you and that baby yesterday.  I can't believe she is almost here!  Did you guys ever agree on a name for her?
    Allie ~ 01/26/09 ~ 7 lbs, 9 oz ~ 20.75 in. & Amelia ~ 03/16/11 ~ 8 lbs, 1 oz ~ 21 in.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • GL! Btw, that is one of the cutest baby bumps I've ever seen.

  • Yay so exciting!! Prayers for you!!
    Erin~N~Gregg 6/30/07 Project 365 imageCafeMom Tickers
  • Congratulations!  I know you are filled with a lot of mixed emotions right now.  I will keep you in my T&P.  I can't wait to see pictures.
    Warning No formatter is installed for the format bbhtml
  • Good luck!! I hope that maybe the baby girl will be ready to come on out before the 9th!
    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • Thank you everyone!  We're SO excited to meet her and can't wait until Wednesday...or sooner if she chooses  Wink
    DD 6/17/08, DD 6/9/10, DD 12/15/11
    BFP 5/24/13 - Natural MC 6/7/13
    BFP 8/13/13 - Natural MC 8/27/13
    Ovarian Mass = removal of left ovary & tube 9/13
    BFP 4/24/14 - Tubal Pregnancy 5/7/14
    Removal of  ruptured right tube 5/8/14
    IVF or adoption??
  • ricejlricejl member
    Praying for labor, good luck!
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • loyo03loyo03 member
    How exciting! Hopefully something will happen before then!
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