
OMG... Don't know what else to do!

Hi all... I am a new mommy - again. This is my second go around after nursing my dd for 13 months. I have a problem, though, that I did not have for more than about a day with my daughter -- HORRIBLE engorgement. DS will be a week tomorrow. He eats VERY well (about 10-12 "meals" and 2-3 "snacks" a day), but I am not having any luck with relieving engorgement. He will empty a breast and it will be full up to the max an hour later. I've tried pumping to release the pressure/pain, but I don't do it more than a couple times a day as I know I am just keeping the supply/demand going. I am permanently sore and am open to any advice from anyone who has experienced prolonged engorgement...

Re: OMG... Don't know what else to do!

  • When I was in the hospital they gave me bags full of hot water to lay on my breasts and it felt a lot better.  Advil will also help with the inflammation.  Watch for symptoms of mastitis.  Good luck!
  • You should be careful with pumping - in your case don't pump to empty but only pump to be a little more comfortable.  This is what my LC told me when I was feeling this way (when I switched from EPing to nursing at 6 weeks pp).  It took a couple of weeks to regulate so hang in there.  I have heard that the second time around you produce more milk (especially if you were successful the first time). 

    Good luck. 

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  • imageJcrab:
    When I was in the hospital they gave me bags full of hot water to lay on my breasts and it felt a lot better.  Advil will also help with the inflammation.  Watch for symptoms of mastitis.  Good luck!

    Yes And warm showers can help a lot. Just don't stay in for too long and don't do it right before you're needing to feed unless DS has trouble latching.

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