I am sure this has been asked a million times, but doing a search I could not find one of the posts. My little one is close to 3 weeks old and is starting to get very fussy and will not sit on the breast to soothe herself. I was thinking about introducing a pacifier. How many of you introduced a pacifier before the suggested 4 weeks? If you introduced before this time did you have any nipple confusion?
She seems to be breastfeeding fine although I have overactive letdown issues, but she knows what she is doing with latching on and sucking. I don't know what else to do with her at this point. Please help me with suggestions on introducing a pacifier.
Re: Introducing Pacifier??
Drew had a paci from day 1. We've never had any issues.
I don't really believe in nipple confusion. A preference for bottles, sure, they're much easier to eat from. But confusing a paci for the breast? Just seems off to me. A paci messing with kiddo's latch may be possible, but I think it's very, very rare.
This, exactly.
We introduced it around 10 days but she really didn't need it before then. She still prefers to soothe herself with my boob, though.
We introduced at 10 days. There was no nipple confusion with either girl, in fact our doctor said that the whole "nipple confusion" thing is a myth
go for the binkie! it will help.