i have been lurking around here, trying to prepare myself for my dream of BFing my LO. anyway just a quick question, i plan to pump at work, and i only bought a manual pump, do i really need to buy electric ones? we are kinda tight financially so upon reading the posts here its like im being told that the best way to go is buy electronic pumps. please advise
Re: manual pumping at work?
For me, a manual pump wouldn't be very effective at work. I have a Medela Harmony manual pump and a Medela Freestyle electric pump. The electric helps me express a lot more milk a lot faster than the manual pump. If I tried to use the manual at work, I'd probably produce about 12 oz/day instead of 22 oz and it would probably take 30 min instead of 15. And my wrists would hurt.
In the long run, an electric pump will be a lot cheaper than using formula if your supply tanks with a manual pump. A year's worth of formula costs $1500-$2000, an expensive breast pump costs about $350.
thanks very much for the advise. if breastfeeding will really work for me (ill try to exhaust all means) then before i return to work i would definitely invest on an electric pump. thanks again.
I use a manual pump at work too and have never had trouble keeping up with my daughter. It's quiet, very portable, and very easy to use.
I'd say, especially if money is tight, try using the manual pump during your maternity leave a few times (you'll need to anyway to figure it out & to introduce the bottle). If it works and you get enough (even 2 oz. at a time is plenty to start with for most babies), then you can stick with the manual. You can always buy a double electric if you need to later.
Everything is so exciting when you're one!