im a soon to be first time mom, and am planning to breastfeed but have to return to work after 6-8 weeks..anyway, im just wondering what type of bag do you use to store BMs in the freezer? thanks
I've used both Lansinoh and Medela and prefer the Lansinoh. They freeze flatter as it is a larger bag, and I've had fewer leak issues with them than the Medela bags.
TTC#1 since Mar 2008. Serious MFI due to cancer.
3 cancelled IUI's, just about every test in the book.
IVF#1 - BFP! Twin girls arrived 2/5/10 at 35w2d.
Used both but prefer the Lansinoh and I rec the FIRST YEARS BM storage box fo rthe freezer too. Check amazon or for one.
I've been wondering if that box would work or not (with the Lansinoh bags). In the meantime, I've been storing my bags in an empty wipe box in the freezer.
Re: bag to use for storing frozen BM
I've been wondering if that box would work or not (with the Lansinoh bags). In the meantime, I've been storing my bags in an empty wipe box in the freezer.
This is what I use and they work just fine!