should I be pumping in the middle of the night during that time? I pump throughout the day (empty out each breast when she's done feeding, and once in lieu of a feeding when DH gives her a bottle before bed) and then once I go back to work I'll be pumping during the day, but do I need to pump in the middle of the night? She's been sleeping 6-7 hour stretches for about 4 days now and I haven't pumped in the middle of the night on those days and haven't gotten so engorged I've felt I needed to pump, but wasn't sure if I should still do it to keep supply up (I haven't noticed less supply these past 4 days).
Re: If LO started sleeping in 6-7 hour stretches...
Unless you're having supply issues or want the milk to build up your stash, I wouldn't.
My DD2 did four days of stretches between 6-8 hours (mmmm, lovely sleep!) and now has gone back to more like 3.5 hours. I haven't pumped during those long stretches -- partly b/c I'm a SAHM and I don't need a huge freezer stash, and partly because I figure it would be my luck that I get up, pump, and then she wakes up hungry.
DD1, 1/5/2008 ~~~ DD2, 3/17/2010
this exactly. I've never pumped at night - as he started sleeping longer so did I.
You didn't think you'd always have to get up at night, did ya? ;-) BF mommas need their sleep too!
Darn! So there's a chance she might not keep this 6-7 hour pattern and go back to the 3 hour pattern?! Thanks for the reply.
To be honest, I did think that maybe BF mommas pumped in the night the entire time they were BFing.
But now I realize that was kinda silly. Thanks for the reply!
aww, not silly, very honest!
I'm not sure I'd still be Bfing if that was the case! You're a much better person than me!