I warm my bottles in a bottle warmer. If I am using frozen milk I first defrost it in cold water (takes about 10-15 minutes) then warm it up using the warmer. I prepare frozen bottles ahead of time for MIL so I am able to do it this way. I find the milk defrosts more naturally this way (in the cold water) and it somehow has a different "look" then when I defrost it in warm or hot water.
FYI, your LO might like it a little warmer than room temp. They usually get milk at 98.6 degrees so sometimes they don't enjoy it if it's too cool. Drew would only take bottles that were noticeably warm to the touch. Then again, if LO is fine with room temp, all the better, less time warming!
Re: How do you warm your BM?
If it is in a bottle or frozen in a bag I just float it in hot tap water. If we happen to be out at a restaurant then we ask for a glass of hot water.
Just don't microwave it.
I just use a cup of warm water.
FYI, your LO might like it a little warmer than room temp. They usually get milk at 98.6 degrees so sometimes they don't enjoy it if it's too cool. Drew would only take bottles that were noticeably warm to the touch. Then again, if LO is fine with room temp, all the better, less time warming!