DS usually wakes up at least 4 times a night and often I nurse him back to sleep because it is easier and then I know he won't wake up hungry an hour later. Last night we put him down in his swing because he's congested and he actually slept 8.5 hours from 9:30 - 6:00! I woke up super engorged looking like Pamela Anderson. Ended up pumping one breast, feeding DS as soon as he would let me (he wasn't even hungry when he woke up, wanted to play with his feet!) and finished pumping on the other side for a total of 10.5 ounces pumped! I love my working boobs! Oh, and if you're jealous I've had tons of problems like chronic plugged ducts, mastitis 3 times, resistant thrush and my son is allergic to cow's milk ... so while I'm grateful for my great supply it hasn't exactly been a walk in the park over here.
Re: Holy Ounces Batman!