How soon is it alright to introduce the bottle to LO while at the same time still breastfeed? My LO is 1 week old now and I was told that it may cause nipple confusion if the bottle is introduced too early. Anyone who has done so, would appreciate your feedback and advise on how it went for you and your LO.
Thanks in advance.
Re: Introducing BM in bottle?
My LO was given a bottle from day one when we were having latching trouble. He never had a problem going from bottle to breast. Right now I'm exclusively pumping with the occasional breastfeeding for the extra bonding time and during those times he still latches great even though he gets a bottle 99% of the time.
I honestly don't believe the entire nipple confusion thing.....I personally have not known anyone who has had trouble going bottle to breast to paci....but again only my personal experience. Give the bottle a go if you want and if you start to see he is having trouble with the transition stop the bottle for a bit.
I was told between 4-6 weeks. It took a couple days to get J to take one, but she finally did last night.
As far as nipple confusion goes... most people don't have a problem with it, but I have known a few that did. But if you want to try it early, go for it.
I definitely have friends who's babies wouldn't nurse after getting bottles- both newborns who got bottles early on for weight gain issues as well as 10-12 month olds who "self-weaned" after getting bottles.