My daughter is 4 day old and is tongue tied. The pedi came and saw her at the hospital and told me that unless it interferes with feeding or speaking they usually dont clip under the tongue. Well.. she isnt able to latch properly because she cant stick her tongue out very far. My milk came in yesterday and my boobs and nipples were soo sore from her attempting to feed and then only feeding a short time on each time. I decided to pump to help releive the pressure from engorgement. I am producing about 1oz +/- every 3 hours or so with pumping 15 minutes each side. I dont know if this is enough for her because she still shows signs of being hungry afterwards and will take and additional 1/2 oz of formula.
I have her first appointment this afternoon and I will be bringing up that she isnt able to latch properly and see if they will refer her to get her tongue clipped. Until this happens (hopefully) is she getting enough to eat? Should I feed her till she stops showing signs of being hungry or just what I am able to pump out each time? And is what I'm pumping a normal amount for my milk coming in yesterday??
Re: Having problems, pumping for the time being. Need advice
I wasn't pumping at 4 days, so I can't say for sure - but I can tell you that their stomachs are teeny tiny at this point. Some mommas don't even have their milk in at day 4 and their LOs are okay on just colostrum. She really shouldn't need all that much milk. If she still seems hungry it may be that she's just got the urge to suck. Newborns will almost always take more from a bottle just because they keep on sucking. On your breasts, that sucking helps create more supply without giving them much more milk. Have you tried a paci? If you're not a fan of that, maybe a clean finger?
Hopefully you got some answers at your appointment today and can get her back on the breast ASAP!