
Question from a 3rd tri.

Hey ladies,

 My sister recommended that I get the larger size (27 mm) breast shield as she has had better efficiency with these.  Is there a way to determine what size is correct or is it just trial and error.


Re: Question from a 3rd tri.

  • I have the 27 mm.  I didn't notice a huge output difference, but the 24 mm wasn't as comfortable.  Neither are extremely comfortable, to be honest...but, you are milking yourself after all!  I think it's just trial and error.  They have the 27mm flanges at Target, so you can always run over there and get them if the 24 mm flanges don't work for you.  Your nipples shouldn't rub against the sides.  Your nipples will swell as you are pumping, so the 24 mm may seem plenty big before you pump, but once it is going for a bit, they could end up too small. 
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  • Unfortunatly I live in the middle of nowhere and don't have a target or any store that sells this stuff.  I have to order everything.

    Thanks for the advice though, that's exactly what I was looking for. 

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