I typically pump for no more than 10 minutes (I have a Medela Freestyle pump so I do both boobs at the same time). In that time, I usually get between 5-6 ounces (sometimes more if it's been more than 3 or 4 hours since I last pumped). I noticed that some women pump for as long as 25 minutes per pumping session. I usually stop at around 10 minutes because nothing is coming out anymore. Can you experience another letdown even after milk stops trickling out? I guess I could always try it, but thought I'd ask first.
Re: How long are your pumping sessions?
Is that 5oz total (between the two) or 5oz each side - just wondering.
I pump on average for 15 minutes. But - sometimes I can go as long as 25 minutes. Maybe you have a quick letdown - I wish. I hate clock watching when I am pumping at work.
Letting the pump run after you stop is supposed to stimulate another letdown.
I pump 5 times a day for 25-30 minutes. I pump that long because that's how long it takes to completely empty out my breasts. My breasts have also gotten used to producing x-amount a day and if i pump less than that I usually get a stupid clog.
I always go 20 minutes. I get 90% of my output in the first 5 minutes however when I started pumping for only 10 minutes I noticed my supply slowly decreased. It is all supply and demand.
I have the same pump (freestyle) and I pump about 5-6 oz total per pumping session. I generally pump about 10 minutes as well.
My DD eats quickly as well, I wonder if there's a correlation. She usually done in about 10 minutes. I suppose that it makes sense. Must be a quick let down?
When I was pumping for DS at work, I would pump every 3-4hours for about 20-25min and get about 3oz total per session. I think they recommend pumping about 2min after your last flow. Everyone responds to the pump differently and I didn't respond well. It sounds like you do!
From https://www.kellymom.com/bf/supply/maintainsupply-pump.html
Empty the breast as thoroughly as possible at each session. To ensure that the pump removes an optimum amount of milk from the breast, keep pumping for 2-5 minutes after the last drops of milk. Use breast massage prior to pumping, and massage and compressions during pumping to better empty the breasts and increase pumping output.
If this is happening after 10 min, then that is great!
Miles Alister. 9.17.2007. 8# 6oz 21.5inches
Isla Penelope. 10.21.2010. 8# 3oz 21 inches
2 Months 11# 6oz 23.5 inches
4 Months 13# 6oz 25 inches
6 Months 14# 15oz 27 inches
9 Months 17# 10oz 28 inches
12 Months 19# 10oz 28.75 inches