My LO is 19 days old and we had a few problems on our road to BFing. In the hospital she dropped weight very fast because she wouldn't latch or nurse for more than 5 minutes. So, because my milk was in early, I pumped in the hospital and supplemented her feedings with EBM. Also we religiously nursed/fed every 2-3 hours, and I would wake her to feed. Finally the LC told me I had flat nipples and since I have been using a nipple shield she nurses great for 20-25 minutes and drains the breast. At her 2 week appt she had gained her birth weight back + 5 oz. Do I still need to wake her up to feed or can I feed her "on demand" and let her sleep?
Re: When to stop waking LO up to feed?
The general rule is that once they are back to birth weight and gaining you don't have to wake them anymore.
Unless a doc/LC tells you otherwise, I'd let her sleep! Nice job mamma!
Miles Alister. 9.17.2007. 8# 6oz 21.5inches
Isla Penelope. 10.21.2010. 8# 3oz 21 inches
2 Months 11# 6oz 23.5 inches
4 Months 13# 6oz 25 inches
6 Months 14# 15oz 27 inches
9 Months 17# 10oz 28 inches
12 Months 19# 10oz 28.75 inches