
XP: Burping/spit up question

Hi there!

LO is just under 3 weeks old and starting yesterday she now spits up after every feed.  I EBF and have recently transitioned away from the nipple shield we were using at the beginning due to latching issues.  She seems to have a good latch now, but the spit up has started just as the latch issues resolved...  I'm just wondering if anyone has had similar experiences.  Previously she would only spit up tiny amounts and very infrequently (every couple days), now she'll have much larger spit ups after every feed even if she is burped well.  

Any thoughts or insights are appreciated :)

Re: XP: Burping/spit up question

  • DD went through a period where she spat up after every feeding. Now she rarely spits up. Bring it up at your next pedi appt but if she's happy after her feedings I wouldn't be too concerned
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