I have a question about "nibbling" vs. "drinking" BM. I have had major supply issues since LO was born so the pedi had us supplement at that time since he felt it was medically necessary. He also referred us to have a LC meet with us to make sure LO was transferring milk - he was about 2 weeks old at this point. Well we met with the LC & she had noticed that he wasn't latching very deep - so she immediately decided that he was tongue tied since he only drank about an oz in the 20 minutes we were there - and he "should have had 3 at that point". He chugged a 2 oz bottle there in a few moments - but was "messy" with it - so this confirmed it for her. I was freaked out for 2 days that LO was going to need surgery & the ENT & pedi both felt he isn't tongue tied - it is very slight but nothing they would correct unless it interferes when he is older. I am still supplementing about 8-10 oz of formula during the day for LO as I can only pump 10 oz a day right now in 3 sessions at work & we EBF when I am home with LO. (unless LO is acting hungry after he eats - and we give him formula if he is so frustrated that my milk is so low & he won't stay latched on). However - I believe that LO may actually be "nibbling" & not really "drinking" a lot of milk. He is great at drinking for a minute or 2 on each side - but then falls asleep & nibbles - which I thought nothing of until I watched a video of good drinking vs. nibbling this morning. LO has always been a sleepy eater - and we had a really really hard time keeping him awake to eat from the beginning - tried changing diapers, taking off his clothes, tickling his feet, etc. I didn't know if anyone had any advice on how to turn a nibbler into a drinker - especially after so much time BF. I know this has probably caused my supply to tank also since my body just doesn't think LO needs that much if he isn't really getting a lot when he drinks. Thanks for listening!
Little man # 1 - 03/05/2010
Little man # 2 - 05/02/2013
Little sister - 07/16/2015
Re: "nibbling" vs. "drinking" BM?