Today is my first day back, and I've had 1 pumping session so far. My husband already e-mailed me to say that DS has eaten 9 oz of pumped milk so far today. But I only pumped 6 oz in my first session, and I have a feeling subsequent sessions will yield less. We don't have a very big freezer stash, so if he continues to eat at that rate, we'll run out of milk. Any advice? Do I need to try some tricks to up my supply? Until today, DS was primarily fed from the breast, so he usually just eats what he gets. Though he did cluster feed last night - perhaps he's not getting enough?
I know this is really several questions wrapped in one. TIA for the advice/help.
Re: XP - First day back to work - Pumping ?
I agree with the PP. I feed DS 5oz bottles (and that's what he eats at daycare). At the end of the feeding, DS cries for a few seconds. I give him the binky and burp him and he's good. When DH is in charge of the feedings, he freaks at that cry when the bottle is empty and immediately makes another bottle (or formula if there isn't enough BM). He'll eat 9oz if we let him...but then ends up spitting a bunch of it up.
I hear you. My mom and my sitter make me feel like I am starving my DS. Yes, he cries for a sec when the bottle is gone. No, he doesn't need any more - he just still needs to suck because he can take a bottle much more quickly than when he nurses.
That being said, I also pump in the mornings before work and after DS goes to bed at night to make sure I have enough for him (and to build a tiny supply.) I pump 3 times at work and he eats 4 times when he is away from me.
Happy Birthday, little man. We love you so much!
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