
pumping question

DS is 7 weeks and I'm trying to establish a freezer stash for when I go back to work in a month or two.  I pump after feeding him and during naps.  During a 20 minute pumping session while he's napping I'm only pumping 1 oz from each side (I have the Medela Pump in Style Advanced maxed out).  At this rate I'll never establish an adequate freezer stash and be able to maintain him being on BM while I'm at work.  He takes in anywhere between 4-6 oz during my weigh and feed sessions at the hospital. 

What am I doing wrong?

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Re: pumping question

  • I think it just takes awhile to get going with pumping. I would pick a time in the morning to pump, because that's when you will get the most milk. I always pump before DD wakes up to nurse which is between 6-7am. I pump on one side and then when she wakes I feed her on the other side.

    Is there a stretch of time in the early morning when your baby sleeps?  If you stick in a session in the morning, your body should respond and make milk for that time without affecting what you need for your baby.

    Your baby is still pretty young, so your supply could still be regulating.

  • You're pumping in addition to bfing. It's rare to get more than 1 oz total when you do that. Once you're pumping in PLACE of feedings (once you go back to work), you'll pump more at each session. Hang in there.
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