
Left boob severely overproducing - help me!

I have no idea what's going on...and I'm almost in tears from the pain from engorgement.  The right boob is completely normal, the left is about 4 times the size, rock hard, and until this last feeding when I worked them out clogged ducts.  It's been about a day and a half now of this.  I've been feeding less on engorged side, but still feeding there as to not lose production all together.  

I'm worried about not being even though with feedings between breasts and soon having the non-engorged side start to over produce too!  

I've been trying ice packs, tylenol and ibuprofin in rotation, warm compresses, and massaging to help work out the ducts.  DH has now put me on bed rest.  So I'm just sitting here with my huge, painful, watermelon boob and my painfully sore back from walking around with these puppies all week.   

Any help/relief/suggestions?

Re: Left boob severely overproducing - help me!

  • have you tried block feeding? look it up at or just google it

    I had overactive let down and it did the trick!

  • fed from that side at 3 consecutive feedings and hand express the other then feed from the other side...repeat until you think you can do 2 feedings from that side and eventually youll be back to one feeding.  it took me two days to get mine under control.
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