DD is four months as I EBF. I have attempted to give her avent bottles w/the newborn nipples and she wants NOTHING to do with them. We've been trying on and off for the past few weeks. Basically, I need her to take a bottle ocassionally so that I can go out w/DH and mainly for my brother's wedding in Sept. Which bottle have you found success with? I plan to just keep offering her the bottle on and off. (By I I really mean DH or my mom/dad).

Blogging about boobs, babies, bed lust & everything in between since 2007.
Re: Which bottle have you found successful if you only rarely pump?
my hayden is also 4 months old and i EBF and don't give her a bottle very often. we use born free bottles with the stage one nipple and she dos fine with them. it mayjust take time too - like you leave the room and let your mom or DH feed your LO with the bottle a few times. hayden would surely rather have the boob, but will drink a bottle like a champ now too - even from me. GL!!
yup us too!