
How do I start this process.....????

My son will be 1 year old on Monday----can't believe that!  But I am going to start weaning him.  I'm a bit confused though.  What am I suppose to do at first?  Does weaning mean you drop feedings or does weaning mean you get him on cow's milk?  Or both at the same time? 

I have a little freezer stash so I was going to use start the weaning process like this:

Next week afternoon bottle at daycare (3:30 pm) put in 1/2 bm and 1/2 whole milk.  To get him used to whole milk Or am I suppose to be dropping that feeding?  Then increase that afternoon bottle to complete whole milk over about a weeks time.  He can drink out of a cup and a strawed cup well.  Should I start that transition at the same time or would that be changing too many thinks at one time.   Then what after I get him on a completel whole milk feeding in the afternoon?  Drop that after he's been on it for a week or so?  Is that what I should be doing.....I'm so confused.

 Then start doing the same to his morning feeding at daycare (11 or 11:30am).  But I still still have him nurse at 7am off me and at 7 pm off me before bed and any night wakes as well.

I have been reading for advice on weaning and also looking at Baby 411.  I know the goal is 16 oz milk per day. 

Currently he is getting two 8 oz bottles at daycare and nursing off me the rest of the time.  So what---use the same schedule we have going but replace it with whole milk---but I thought we were suppose to be dropping feeding sessions. 

I'm confused-----please help!!!!!!!

Re: How do I start this process.....????

  • Both  =)

    I had them start replacing bottles at daycare with sippy cups of cow's milk while I dropped pumping sessions. He didn't take as much cow's milk, but as you've noted they don't need as much milk amount-wise after age 1 as they did breastmilk.

    I eventually dropped all daytime nursing sessions/pumpings, and just used cow's milk in a cup at snacks and lunch. I kept the nursing sessions in the morning and before bed, and slowly dropped those over several months.

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