( i am posting this now b/c I will be on vacation when I offficially hit 6 mths) of exclusivly breastfeeding..my dd has never ever had a drop of formula and let me tell you this is single handly my biggest accomplishment ever. Yes carrying her, and birthing here were huge but ebfing for 6 mths truely tops them. I work ft and I am so thankful the my employer is supportive of my wishes and here is hoping I can make it to my ulitmate goal of 12 mths!!
To all those out there that are struggling early on, my best peice of advice is to be 1,000% committed to it..yes there are many times the tought of the ease of mixing powder and water have crossed my mind, but my committment to give my daughter my milk has gotten me through all the trial and tribulations.
Thank you for all the wonderful advice I have received on this board!!!
Re: 3 days away from 6 mths...
Maybe I don't have a heightened sense of smell, but I've never smelled any vagina on my pants. -- TSD
Bloggity Blog - You know you want to...
I'm almost at my 6 month mark of exclusively pumping! DS has had maybe 4 bottles of formula in that time. I agree with you - this is my biggest accomplishment ever. I'm happy to do it for DS, but I really would like to sleep again (still getting up in the middle of the night to pump more).