
Exclusively pumping...

Does anyone do this? If so, what does your day look like while you are home with LO? I'm thinking about when i head back to work and will be pumping at work and am wondering if maybe I should just exclusively pump and then bottle feed LO. How often do you pump and then how often are you feeding your LO?
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Re: Exclusively pumping...

  • When I first started EPing I was pumping 8 times a day to build supply. Now that my supply is established I have been slowly reducing the number of times I pump. Now I pump 5 times a day. DD is still eating around 8 times a day but I pump enough to cover her feedings and put some in my freezer stash. This is what my day looks like:

    7am I pump

    7:30am DD wakes up

    8:30am- 9:00am DD eats then naps (she eats either from the 3am or 7am pump)

    10:00am I pump

    12:00 & 3:00pm DD eats (eats from 7am and 10am pumps)

    4pm I pump

    6:00pm DD eats (Frozen bottle)

    8:30pm DD eats and then goes to sleep for the night (eats from 4pm pump)

    10pm I pump

     11pm-4am DD eats a few times during this time (eats from 10pm pump)

    3:00am I pump

     5:00am DD eats (eats from 3am pump)


  • imageStephE623:

    When I first started EPing I was pumping 8 times a day to build supply. Now that my supply is established I have been slowly reducing the number of times I pump. Now I pump 5 times a day. DD is still eating around 8 times a day but I pump enough to cover her feedings and put some in my freezer stash. This is what my day looks like:

    7am I pump

    7:30am DD wakes up

    8:30am- 9:00am DD eats then naps (she eats either from the 3am or 7am pump)

    10:00am I pump

    12:00 & 3:00pm DD eats (eats from 7am and 10am pumps)

    4pm I pump

    6:00pm DD eats (Frozen bottle)

    8:30pm DD eats and then goes to sleep for the night (eats from 4pm pump)

    10pm I pump

     11pm-4am DD eats a few times during this time (eats from 10pm pump)

    3:00am I pump

     5:00am DD eats (eats from 3am pump)



    Bless you!!! thank you so much, I've been trying to find this type of scheldule for a while now!!!!

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  • I work and EP.  Honestly I wish I hadn't given up on nursing hen I went back to work.  It would be nice to have a break from pumping on weekends and evenings

    5 am - pump

    Get ready for work, play with LO, dress and feed LO

    7 am - pump

    Take LO to daycare.  He has 3 4.5 oz bottles at daycare

    8:30, noon, 3:30 - pump at work. Sometimes these are a pain as I have to arrange meetings, etc around them, but these pumping sessions are the ones that I really don't mind.  I do hate that they extend my work day as I have to make up the time, but I can concentrate on baby for a little bit a few times of the day even though we are separated

    6:30 - pump at home (DH has to watch LO so that I can do this)

    7-7:30-ish - bottle for LO

    9:00 - pump before bed

    LO wakes up 1-2 times most nights to eat

    Sometimes I miss sessions, but there are always at least 5.  My supply continues to drop over time so 12 oz a day is formula.  Weekends are hard and I squeeze pumping in when I can and take the pump with me everywhere.  I hate it when we have company and I have to hide to pump so I can't even be in the same room as LO


    ~Working Mom~Breastfeeding Mom~Cloth Diapering Mom~BLW Mom~

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    Shawn and Larissa
    LO #1 - Took 2 years and 2 IVFs ~ DX - severe MFI mild PCOS homozygous MTHFR (a1298c)
    LO #2 - TTC 7 months, surprise spontaneous BFP!
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  • My LO eats about every 2.5 hours.  I try to pump every 3 hours.  However, it's difficult to pump on schedule if my LO is awake as he constantly wants to be held.  I did BF for the first 4 weeks but unfortunately I couldn't continue. I wish I could have as it was definately less work then EP.  

    Lilypie Second Birthday tickers
  • I just started EPing so I'm not the most veteran on here, but I'll put in my two cents. I take my daughter to work for me for most of the day so I just pump right before or after she eats. I feed what was previously pumped so if I get in a pinch, I don't have to pump before she eats. So there's always a bottle in the fridge waiting to be fed. She eats about 2 1/2-3 oz every 2 1/2 to 3 hours so that's how often I pump. In the evenings if I'm home, I try to power pump and I pump for 20 minutes once an hour just to help my supply. Some nights my daugther will sleep from 11p-6a and I don't pump in the middle of the night if she doesn't get up (which I should but just can't bring myself to get up!). I do get pretty full, but I don't leak and they don't hurt so that's why I don't pump. If she does get up in the middle of the night, my husband feeds while I pump. During the day, I feed and pump so that can be challenging to pick the best time. If I pump after, sometimes she'll still need to burp so I have to stop, burp her and continue pumping.

    If you can stay with BF, do it. If you don't like it or it's stressful to you or your baby, I would recommend pumping. My daughter would fight to eat, due to acid reflux, but wouldn't fight a bottle as hard as the breast. It was terrible watching painful screaming for 20 minutes to try to get her to latch on and I'm SO glad we switch to pumping and bottle feeding. She's finally putting on weight and we are all happier and not as stressed out. It was a good change for us.

  • imageMrsmaybebaby:

    When I first started EPing I was pumping 8 times a day to build supply. Now that my supply is established I have been slowly reducing the number of times I pump. Now I pump 5 times a day. DD is still eating around 8 times a day but I pump enough to cover her feedings and put some in my freezer stash. This is what my day looks like:

    7am I pump

    7:30am DD wakes up

    8:30am- 9:00am DD eats then naps (she eats either from the 3am or 7am pump)

    10:00am I pump

    12:00 & 3:00pm DD eats (eats from 7am and 10am pumps)

    4pm I pump

    6:00pm DD eats (Frozen bottle)

    8:30pm DD eats and then goes to sleep for the night (eats from 4pm pump)

    10pm I pump

     11pm-4am DD eats a few times during this time (eats from 10pm pump)

    3:00am I pump

     5:00am DD eats (eats from 3am pump)



    Bless you!!! thank you so much, I've been trying to find this type of scheldule for a while now!!!!

    Your welcome!

  • You do know that you can pump at work and nurse morning/night and weekends, right? I wish to God I would have had that type of option. EPing sucks no matter how you look at it- takes twice as long with infinitely more dishes to deal with. The places I've pumped where I could have just NIP'ed if DD would have done it still kill me...every working mother I pumped with at my company complained so much about pumping at work and couldn't wait to be home to nurse so hopefully it will be that easy for you! :)
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