My LO is 6 days old and we just got the hang of nursing on demand. It seems like she wants to nurse whenever she wakes up and then falls asleep before I can give her the other breast. I give her the other one in the next sitting, is this ok? She's nursing for a good amount of time and she unlatches herself. Her diapers are always full too.
The dr said that she would go through cluster feedings and I wonder if this is it? I went online and this was the best answer I could find.
Any advice is greatly appreciated. Thank you!
"How often should baby be nursing?
Frequent nursing encourages good milk supply and reduces engorgement. Aim for nursing at least 10 - 12 times per day (24 hours). You CAN'T nurse too often--you CAN nurse too little.
Nurse at the first signs of hunger (stirring, rooting, hands in mouth)--don't wait until baby is crying. Allow baby unlimited time at the breast when sucking actively, then offer the second breast. Some newborns are excessively sleepy at first--wake baby to nurse if 2 hours (during the day) or 4 hours (at night) have passed without nursing."
That link also has info on whether baby is getting enough milk based on weight gain, and wet or dirty diapers.
Ther may be times where your baby seemingly nurses 24/7 and fluctuates between constant nursing and "normal" nursing patterns (like every 2-3 hrs) but that is expected. They experience growth spurts and cluster feedings so just keep baby at breast and don't ever thing you don't have enough milk for him. He'll make sure he gets what he needs!
Re: Seems like all the time...
Congrats on your new baby! Just like what you C&P'd in your post, I was taught to let them stay on the first breast until they unlatch or fall completely asleep, then switch sides and offer the second. I always offered both breasts at each feeding. Even if he fell asleep, I would wake him up (usually by changing his diaper) b/c that's what I was told to do. It worked well for us and he still takes both sides most of the time.
I know some kiddos just eat on one breast at a time, and that works for them. If your LO seems satisfied, is gaining weight, has good diapers, etc. then perhaps she's a one side gal. You may find that as she gets older and less sleepy that she won't be satisfied after one side, so you'll want to give her both. You can always offer, there's no harm in that. If she's full and doesn't want it, she'll let you know!
Cluster feeding is when LO wants to eat more often than their normal 2-3 hours apart. Cluster feeding is very normal in newborns and during growth spurts.
Sorry if this doesn't make sense. I'm feeling a little discombobulated!