my DD is a really fast nurser. she will latch on, suck and swallow for about one minute, then pull off, fuss, repeat for a total of 2 or 3 minutes, then start crying. i burp her, then repeat on the other side. then she gets fussy (gas, i assume), and is done, and refuses to eat. (i have a little bit of overactive letdown...sometimes when she pulls off, there is a spray of milk.)
she is gaining weight (11 lbs already at 4 weeks, was 8lb 2oz at birth), and is having a ton of wet diapers. she's been going a few days inbetween poops.
is she getting enough? could she really be that efficient of a nurser? my DS would take nearly an hour to nurse at this age, i'm not used to DD being so fast. do you think she's getting enough hindmilk?
Re: 6wks old...nurses both sides in 5 min total?
DS does the pulling off/fussy thing sometimes. When that happens, I take him off and burp him and wait for him to stop fussing before continuing the feeding.
She's probably not getting enough if she's only on for 2-3 min. I think LO is still getting foremilk in that amount of time.
Levi 4.21.10