
Q about frozen BM

I have a quick question since I'm new to pumping and storing BM. I have frozen BM in the freezer that I want to use to make a bottle. We are going to DH's parents house tonight and I want to take a bottle since I know LO will need fed while we are there.

My question is, how do I prepare the bottle? Do I take the milk frozen to their house and thaw right before we feed him? Or can I prepare the bottle ahead of time before we get there and just warm it up when he needs it? If I prepare it ahead of time, do I need to keep it chilled or can it sit out at room temp?

Also, how long can thawed milk sit out before it needs thrown away? Does it need used right away or does it have a few hours before needing pitched?

 Sorry so many dumb Q's :) Appreciate all the help though!

Re: Q about frozen BM

  • I suggest taking it frozen and popping it in their fridge when you get there. When its time for bottle, put the bag of frozen BM into a warm cup of water and it will thaw... or you can hold it under warm running water. (Be sure to swirl it to mix the foremilk & hindmilk and evenly distribute the heat)

     To prepare it ahead of time, do the same thing and once thawed, put the milk into a bottle. Once thawed, its good for (I think) 2-4 hours at room temp, but I wouldn't go past that.

    Also, once thawed/warmed, it shouldn't go back in the fridge to cool down again.

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