Houston Babies

RP: Medela Pump in Style Breast Pump

Re: RP: Medela Pump in Style Breast Pump

  • Take it. That's the one I have and I use that sucker 5 times each day. 
  • It's a very good pump, I used it for 3 months. You can't beat $50 for that pump, especially new (I sold mine used for almost $150). Go for it!
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  • Def. jump on it. You prob. won't find anything cheaper, new or used.  I would feel more comfortable trusting a friend saying they didn't use it vs. ebay or something.  And even if she did use it, you can still buy new tubing, etc. and still use the moter and it would be worth it. I used the PIS and was very pleased.  Even if you don't end up using it, you could sell it for more than that!
  • Suzi-G-Suzi-G- member
    It's great.  Snatch it up quick, you won't be sorry.
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  • That's the pump I have and it's been great for me so far. Take the deal - it's a great one.
  • If you don't want it I'll take it :) That's a great deal.
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  • Another PIS user here...definitely jump on that deal!  It's a great one!  I used mine everyday for a year and never had a single problem with it. 
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  • Thanks so much everyone!

    I have decided to take it :) Even if I can't end up breastfeeding, I can always resell it.

    It seems to be a great pump as well so I am in a win win situation :) yeah!


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