
Bleeding Nipples

Anybody have any tips on healing bleeding nipples faster? It's so incredibly painful at this point that it almost brings me to tears just to breastfeed LO.. I don't want to give up on this because I have such awesome milk supply but at the same time it's almost intolerable. I have been using Lanolin pretty obsessively and I stopped letting her nurse on the affected side for the time being.. what else can I do??

Re: Bleeding Nipples

  • You can call your doctor and ask for anti-bacterial nipple ointment.  You might also want to contact a LC to check out LO's latch

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  • Breastmilk itself has antibacterial properties.  I used to rub some milk on after a feeding and let them air dry for as long as I could. 

    I still put some BM on the cuts and scrapes that Drew gets.  They seem to heal much faster!

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  • I used lanolin and exposed them to air.  I have very sensitive skin, so mine bled for a couple of weeks.  I pretty much had ny boobs hanging out the entire first month to get them that air exposure.  But after about 4 or 5 weeks... no pain!  Hang in there!

  • Mine bled as well.  The LC got me a prescription for APNO cream.  It heals the cracked nipples faster.  Mine healed in about a week.  It was still painful after that, but not nearly as bad.  I highly recommend it.  Other things I did was they recommended cold tea bags (just the Lipton tea with caffeine) on the nipples after nursing for 10 minutes.  It was very soothing.
  • NiniJ55NiniJ55 member
    The only tips I have is Lanolin, breastmilk and air dry.  Also - your supply in that breast will diminish if you don't let DC nurse on the side that is affected. Sorry - you still need to nurse on it or you can pump that one breast if it's more comfortable.
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