Dallas-Fort Worth Babies

Re: ***daveshell1***

  • I tried to respond, and it wouldn't let me for some reason, so I'll just post here

    I sent out a message the other day.  She has them done and I was supposed to pick them up today (I know its overdue, she said she's having some family issues and is sorry).  She is instead mailing them (she had to take her daughter to the dr), so I should have them by Friday (I told her I must have them by friday)  I am free this weekend to meet up and exchange them.  I will send out another email as soon as I actually have them in hand.  Im sorry it is taking so long.  I have never had this happen with any other parties. 


  • DD and ETA - I started venting.  Not really appropriate. (wasn't at you, Shelley.) 

    Thank you for following up on this.  Please let me know as soon as you get them so I can set up a time/date to pick mine up.

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  • I will be heading out of town Friday evening for 2 weeks. So if you have them by Friday mid-afternoon let me know! My grandma is in town and I would love to be able to show it to her before we take her home.
    I will kick cancer's ass Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Dx Breast Cancer 4/2012 Invasive ductal carcinoma triple negative Currently on Taxol, start A & C in August
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