
here we go again...

So I need a little bit of encouragement from women who have been there/done that--BF Nicholas has been the biggest struggle Ive had as a new parent...when he was born he was only 3lbs 6oz (came home 4 days later at 3lbs 2oz., wasnt in the NICU at all, born at 37weeks) since he was so small and I am really big busted he wasnt able to nurse at all (I attempted w/ a shield, w/o a shield, etc.) So for the time being I was pumping....

At about 1 month I decided that I was going to attempt nursing again, I started to nurse on demand, did that for 3 days and got such horrible clogged ducts and I went back to pumping until I got over the mastitis, at about 6 weeks I decided to attempt nursing again, so I nursed on-demand for a week (using a shield he would latch and eat but wasnt eating very much/burning more calories than he was consuming because of his size) after 1 week of nursing (alot!) he only gained 1oz. so then I was back to  pumping and fortifying my bm w/ formula to help make up for the week of weight he didnt gain

Now at 12 weeks I am wanting to attempt nursing again, I am basically terrified that its going to be a disaster, I have been meeting w/ an LC from the beginning who has been really helpful but I just feel like this is the last chance for us, If he cant take to nursing this time around then I am giving up (and probably will be giving up on pumping as well since it makes me feel awful and I hate pumping w/ a passion) This time we are using the shields and the SNS for only 2 feeding sessions/day and I am to pump still (so basically 4 pumping/feeding sessions, 2 breast/sns feeding w/ pumping also) I dont know how much stamina I have to even try twice a day w/ the shield and sns because it is so much work and then I know I will have to pump after but I feel like this is the only way DS is going to learn to eat (he is 7lbs now so he should be big enough to nurse)

Any tips, suggestions or encouragement would be much appreciated!

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Re: here we go again...

  • It's worth a shot, and hopefully he'll take right to've done GREAT sticking in there this long.

    Breastfeeding is HARD, I hope it clicks for you this time.

    My two PCOS miracles! Lilypie Kids Birthday tickersLilypie Kids Birthday tickers
  • Good luck! You have already done so much more than most women would do. If it doesn't work out, it doesn't work out. You will be an amazing mother no matter how you feed your LO. You need to do what you can to be a good mother and remember that a happy mom equals a happy baby :)
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