I never had a real chance to BF DS1 and it's very important to BF DS2 but it is painful, at first, and it takes so long. Does the feedings get easier, less painful and does it go faster at some point?
It gets sooooooooo much better! It is so so so painful at first. For me, I was deciding which was more painful, giving birth or breastfeeding! After about 2 weeks it will get better. Have some lanolin on hand (I liked the Lansinoh brand) and express and rub a little milk on the nipple after BFing. It will definitely get faster. DS now tries to pull himself up and latch on through my shirt! And he is efficient. He knows what he wants, gets it and moves on. I know in the beginning I felt like all I did was nurse. Now it takes 10 minutes.
It does get easier! Probably by 4-5 weeks the pain was gone. As for the faster, it does eventually get faster, how long that takes is up to your LO though! My DS just started taking about 15 minutes during the day (he takes 30-40 minutes the last time he eats before bed though because he starts falling asleep), but up until about a week and a half ago it took him 25-35 minutes each time with a few 45 minute feeds thrown in every once in a while.
Re: Does BF get easier and faster???
It does get less painful and quicker at least for me. It is not without new struggles. DH is refussing a bottle, plays with cover in public.