If at all...i'm not sure if it's them moving or what. I usually feel them throughout the day but not today???
I hate not knowing. I have no cramps and no bleeding so i'm hoping they are just tired and not very active. I've tried eating sugary things too and they just won't budge.
I think i'll ask my MIL for the use of her stethoscope to hear the heartbeats.
Do you think this is normal? I know alot of people don't even feel their babies but i have been feeling them from about 17wks on.
Ugh..hate this feeling. Won't see them again until 6/4.
Re: babies not moving alot today
I've tried using my stethoscope since about 18 weeks and still nothing. I have a very fancy cardiologist-type stethy....I hear nothing but GI noises. I am guessing it's the anterior and fundal placentas blocking the sound. So don't get stressed if you can't hear them. I've heard the bell is better than the diaphragm.
Movements will be erratic especially that early.
Did you drink a lot of cold water and lay on your left side in a dark room?
Good to know i'd be freakin out if i didn't hear anything! Thanks for the heads up. I won't even bother. I haven't tried the cold water and i'm at work unfortunately so i'll try it when i get home. It's so comforting to feel them move just get so worried when they don't. Thanks so much for the advice!!