
if you've bf'd and then lost bra/cup sizes,

please tell me when/how did they decrease? I'm bfing #2, and after #1, the girls went back down to exactly the same size as before pg. This time, I'm bigger than ever and am scared I will never get back to normal (non-pornstar) boobs.

when do they decrease, and how much shrinkage was there for you? thanks!

2012 Races: Mar 24: Great Human Race 5K. April 28: 5K for Fitness

Re: if you've bf'd and then lost bra/cup sizes,

  • mine are still at porn star proportions - currently a 34F (was a 34B/C pre-pg)
  • with dd #1, they went back to pg size around 6 months bfing, then around 8-12 month when she was only bfing 4 X per day, they were around prepg size.  then after fully weaned, they shrunk to smaller than prepg size, which wasn't good in my case :(
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  • They get smaller even while BFing?  I hope that happens to me... I am currently still a 32F and would really like to be smaller one of these days....
  • Sorry for the late reply, just saw this.  But yes Erin, as my milk 'supply' decreased as dd #1 took solids (i had terrible oversupply for long time too) my boobs got smaller.  i was severely engorged for a long time in the beginning.  this time i'm not near as big b/c i don't have an oversupply-maybe 2 cup sizes bigger than prepg.
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