Try to nurse him as upright as possible. I used football hold for DD and propped her with pillows behind her. She was almost sitting upright next to me.
Besides nursing upright, keep baby upright for at least 20 min. after each feeding. Try laying him on your forearm (tummy and face down) and walking with him like that to relieve some of the pressure on his stomach (some reflux babies like this a lot). You can also raise the head of the crib up to 30 degrees so that his head will be higher than his feet - this helps keep everything down. To do this, just put a phonebook underneath each of the top two crib legs (careful, I wouldn't do this if our crib had wheels). GL!
I agree with the others, keep him elevated while eating and for a while afterwards. The LC recommended we feed an oz at a time and burp in between with him sitting straight up, even if he didn't actually burp every time, the act of slowing the feeding and giving it a chance to go down seemed to help. She also recommended we put him in his carseat to sleep (the swing/bouncy isn't elevated enough) and this helped too, he slept in his carseat until he was about 3 months old.
Re: acid reflux