
sort of a strange question...

hey all -  i had my nipples pierced when i was 19, and took them out about 3 years later.  at the time, i wasn't really concerned about feeding a baby!  well, fast forward 10 years, and i'm planning to breastfeed my little one, but i'm worried that there might be scarring or something in there that will block the milk from coming out.  the piercings went through the areola, not the nipple itself (sort of went behind the nipple) and they seem to be fully healed. i never had any infections or complications with the piercings, just got sick of them.  

any advice or suggestions? i have a few months to worry about this, but if there's anything i need to do, i'd rather know NOW!

thanks :) 

Re: sort of a strange question...

  • I wouldn't think it would affect your ability to breastfeed because of how long ago you had them pierced. Definitely ask you OB or a LC
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