
Breastfeeding Goals Poll

What are your breastfeeding goals? How long do you plan on doing it?

My goal is to keep DD on breast milk exclusively until she's a year old. I'd like to continue pumping until she's 9 months old and then use up the freezer stash until she's 1. 

Re: Breastfeeding Goals Poll

  • bf till weaned to cows milk (12 months).  continue morning/night nursing till 18 months would be awsome.  i had to wean completly dd #1 at 12 months b/c my milk was competly drying up.  she wouldn't nurse anymore so we stopped but i loved nursing an older baby.
  • Exclusively for 1 year, longer if he wants. We've made it 4 months and battled mastitis twice and clogged ducts once. It's been tough, but I will reach my goal!
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  • I BF(nursed DD and pumped at work until she was 1), then kept morning and night feedings until 15 months.  Then got pg with DS  ;-)

    I also pumped at work for DS until he was 1, kept morning and night feedings until last week. We just weaned  CryingCrying

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  • EBF until 1 yr and then slowly introduce cow's milk. 
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  • Long term - EBF until 1 year then follow her lead for weaning.

    Short term - make it through the 6 week growth spurt, which is when I quit last time. We've had a rough last couple days with what I think is the 3 week growth spurt and I haven't thought of quitting so I think we're doing well! 

  • My goals change all the time.  Originally I thought I would BF for 4-6 months.  Once we got the hang of it I thought maybe I'd go exclusively for the first year.  After I returned to work we ended up EPing, and once again I thought I'd quit at 6 months.  We had to start supplementing at about 5.5 months, but then I had the hang of pumping and thought maybe I'd continue until the year mark.  Now I've been having some bleeding and supply issues and it's become stressful again.  I don't have a specific goal in mind.  Just as long as I can while maintaining my sanity

    ~Working Mom~Breastfeeding Mom~Cloth Diapering Mom~BLW Mom~

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    LO #2 - TTC 7 months, surprise spontaneous BFP!
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  • My ultimate goal is one year.  Intermediate goal was 6 months, which we have almost made!  WOOT!

    We have started her on some solids so as that increases I assume BFing will gradually decrease to help weaning go gradually.  To be honest, the thought of weaning kinda makes me sad.  I could see going past a year with our "special" nursing sessions, like bedtime and first thing in the morning.  I am also considering pumping my milk as long as I can after she weans to keep up the immune benfits. 

    Now that we are in the swing of things, the thought of stopping at some arbitrary age just seems weird so I am just going to kinda go with the flow!

    BFP #1 = 12/23/08 M/C = 1/5/09 @ 6 w 0 d
    BFP #2 = 3/30/09 DD born 12/9/09
    BFP #3 = 5/17/11 EDD = 1/27/12
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    18 months
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  • DD #1 I nursed until 11.5 months when she just quit cold turkey one day - I pumped until 15 months and we had her on soy milk mixed with BM due to milk allergy.

    Hoping to do the same for DD#2 - want to make it to a year, then slowly introduce milk since she doesn't seem to have the milk allergy. She is my last kiddo though, so who knows... may go longer if she wants to!! 

  • My ultimate goal has been one year all along, but I set myself mini goals in the beginning to make it seem less daunting.  My first goal was 6 weeks, then 3 months, then 6 months, followed by a year.  If things are still going well at a year, we'll continue until maybe 18 months.
  • Before LO was born my goal was 6mo, my DH's was 12 mo and I thought he was crazy with my work schedule.  Here we are at 15mo, she's never had formula or a cup of cow's milk.... still have a few hundred oz in the freezer for daycare as I am not pumping at work anymore and nurse 3-6x/day (weekday vs w/e).  Now we are playing it by ear but I suspect she will not go to college BFing and one day I will cycle so we can TTC.
    5/08- blighted ovum, spont ab; 2/20/09- epi, VAVD, Girl! breastfed 24mo; 10/10- blighted ovum, spon ab; 12/10- no fetal pole, Cytotec; 11/20/11- unmedicated SVD, Girl! breastfed 18mo; 11/7/13- unmedicated SVD, breastfed 18mo; 2/11/16- unmedicated SVD, exclusively pumping to at least a year.

  • I'm planning to nurse this baby until at least 2 years and then let her self wean. That was the same goal I had with DD. I ended up weaning her because of latch issues at 3 years 2 months.
    Annalise Marie 05.29.06
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    Emmeline Grace 03.27.13
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