
I have GERD - can I medicate and breastfeed?

Does anyone else take medication for GERD / acid reflux? I was originally on Nexium and when I found out I was pg, my doctor suggested I swith to protonix. Now I'm reading that this isn't safe for breastfed babies. I'm due on Friday and am now freaking out! I'll call my specialist this morning but was wondering if anyone else was awake and could share their expereince. TIA!
First BFP 9/7/08 - D&E at 11 weeks - Baby stopped developing at 6 wks 3 days BFP 12/23/08 - Natural miscarriage 1/6/09 BFP 05/11/09 - Ruptured Ecoptopic 5/23/09 at 5 weeks Our Beautiful Baby Girl arrived June 3, 2010 - She amazes us daily! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker

Re: I have GERD - can I medicate and breastfeed?

  • I've been on prilosec and zantac while bf'ing.  it does get into bm, but at small amounts.
  • Thanks so much for your response! As I said, I'm going to call my specialist this morning but I've been up since 3:30 am, am due on Friday and am freaking out because in my search for BF info have found all of this stuff on the risks of cancer and long-term use of PPIs. Sorry to rant, but I think my hormones and anxiety are getting the best of me! Thanks again and looking forward to being over here soon...
    First BFP 9/7/08 - D&E at 11 weeks - Baby stopped developing at 6 wks 3 days BFP 12/23/08 - Natural miscarriage 1/6/09 BFP 05/11/09 - Ruptured Ecoptopic 5/23/09 at 5 weeks Our Beautiful Baby Girl arrived June 3, 2010 - She amazes us daily! Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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  • I've taken both nexium and protonix while BF.  My doctors and the pediatricians have never had a problem with either medication.
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