My breasts are HUGE, and I really feel that I need an underwire bra for support. I had heard they could interfere with the milk ducts or something like that. Does anyone know about this?
You can definitely buy nursing bras with underwires. Perhaps you can try it and just be really mindful of how your ducts are doing, and if you're prone to getting clogged ones, stop wearing the underwire.
Jude Wayne - Born 4/23/10
Violet Patricia - Born 12/5/12
Breastfeeding, baby-wearing work-at-home mom of 2 living in Rockville, MD
If they fit you well, you should be fine. I've worn underwire ones since about 6 or 7 months - although I have small breasts. Shouldn't matter as long as they fit!
Underwire is not recommended because it can cause clogged ducts and even mastitis.
That's all well and good, but for those of us with MASSIVE breasts, not having an underwire is not an option, and not all women are prone to clogged ducts. I would never have been able to BF DS for almost two years if I hadn't been able to find a decent nursing bra with an underwire. I have to buy them online because they are virtually impossible to find in store but I use the Playtex Underwire Nursing Bras, they are not AWESOME, and I did have to replace them every 6 months or so, but they aren't expensive either, so I didn't feel like I was breaking the bank.
After having 2 months of absolutely no support I couldnt stand it anymore and went out and bought a nursing bra w/ underwire and it is much better--not as easy to nurse/pump in but it gets the job done and I look 100% better and FWIW i AM prone to clogged ducts and have had mastitis and I havent had any problems since I bought the underwire bra--I just try and change when I get home and esp. before bed into something without wire
Re: Must nursing bras be w/out underwire?
Breastfeeding Counselor with Breastfeeding USA
Babywearing Guide ** Newborn Carriers
Cloth Diaper Guide
Safe Bed Sharing Info
That's all well and good, but for those of us with MASSIVE breasts, not having an underwire is not an option, and not all women are prone to clogged ducts. I would never have been able to BF DS for almost two years if I hadn't been able to find a decent nursing bra with an underwire. I have to buy them online because they are virtually impossible to find in store but I use the Playtex Underwire Nursing Bras, they are not AWESOME, and I did have to replace them every 6 months or so, but they aren't expensive either, so I didn't feel like I was breaking the bank.
After having 2 months of absolutely no support I couldnt stand it anymore and went out and bought a nursing bra w/ underwire and it is much better--not as easy to nurse/pump in but it gets the job done and I look 100% better and FWIW i AM prone to clogged ducts and have had mastitis and I havent had any problems since I bought the underwire bra--I just try and change when I get home and esp. before bed into something without wire