Alabama Babies

STTN Help last week PJ slept through the night from Tuesday-Thursday and Saturday. Friday and Sunday nights he woke up at least once...I've realized that the common denominator in whether he sleeps through the night is whether we stay in all day or go out...during those days his nap may or may not be interrupted so he is sleepier when he does lay today for example we will be in for the most of the day so I'm assuming he will get his nap w/o a problem...tomorrow on the other had we have choir rehearsal so we may not get home until around 9p...using my theory he will probably wake up sometime during the night tonight but tomorrow he will sleep through the night...I'm not sure how to fix!

Re: STTN Help

  • aubie96aubie96 member
    My best advice is to stay on a schedule. That is what has worked for us (I think most people refer to it as the baby wise method from that book). If we stay on schedule (doesn't matter if we go out or not) then she usually only wakes either once (because she wants the paci to soothe her) or not at all. She went down last night around 1230 and didn't even somewhat wake up til 730. Just find what works best. GL!!!
  • imageaubie96:
    My best advice is to stay on a schedule. That is what has worked for us (I think most people refer to it as the baby wise method from that book). If we stay on schedule (doesn't matter if we go out or not) then she usually only wakes either once (because she wants the paci to soothe her) or not at all. She went down last night around 1230 and didn't even somewhat wake up til 730. Just find what works best. GL!!!

    Do you think I should readjust my schedule? Should I try to adjust his nap time? I don't want to tire him out just for the sake of having him sleep at night but I'm not sure what else to do. Since I've had a taste on him STTN I'm trying desperately to make that happen for usBig Smile

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  • at 2 months old - you shouldn't expect him to be STTN.  Sometimes you're really super lucky and have a good sleeper but babies typically don't start STTN until 4 months - ish? (and that's still early) 

    try to keep your schedule as stable as possible - I don't really like the word "schedule" versus Routine.  Have you tried the EASY method?  Even when we were out and about, Avery knew that as soon as she woke up - we'd feed her - I never made her wait for food - and that really helped.  She could sleep any where.  At night time, start making a bed time routine.  Bath, Lotion/massage, play time, bottle/nurse, books/lullabies, bed?  keep that the same no matter what.  

     Also - there are some really significant growth spurts around 2 months old.  (and at 4 months and 6 months).  Sleep patterns that have been established (somewhat) very well can be thrown out the window during those growth spurts. 

  • imagesdkrlm:

    at 2 months old - you shouldn't expect him to be STTN.  Sometimes you're really super lucky and have a good sleeper but babies typically don't start STTN until 4 months - ish? (and that's still early) 

    I'm going to agree with you on this one.  My kid woke up to eat for many months and just started STTN at 10 months.

    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
  • I have to agree with Sarah as well.  Just have to stick with the routine and some days may be hit or miss, especially with growth spurts and teething. 
  • I agree with Sarah, Candi and Bethany (and they certainly have more experience than me!).  James has spurts where he will sleep 10 hours at a time and then goes back to getting up 2x a night (most nights are just once, thank goodness).  Just keep up your routine and keep your fingers crossed!

  • I do have a bed time routine much like you mentioned(Sarah)...I think it has helped a bunch...he loves his bath time so much! During the day, especially when we are at home, I generally feed on demand...I honestly don't see a pattern forming...I've even gone as far as to write his (self-imposed) schedule down...nothing seems to stick out...some days he naps often...some days he may nap twice. Once you add the fact that we go out several days out of a week it gets really thrown I missing something? Should I be doing more to facilitate a schedule at this point or just let him be?
  • also - be very cautious about the Baby Wise method - this encourages CIO -and at 2 months - there is NO way that a baby that young can self soothe.  It's a very controversial topic across many parenting communities.
  • aubie96aubie96 member
    I don't use babywise per se. I just use parts of it. We are on a routine (prob a better word/description) and started incorporating more tummy time, reading books, etc I def agree with everyone else. It's early and I think we've just been lucky. And she doesn't sleep through the night every night. I think you just have to figure out what works best for you and him.
  • imagesdkrlm:
    also - be very cautious about the Baby Wise method - this encourages CIO -and at 2 months - there is NO way that a baby that young can self soothe.  It's a very controversial topic across many parenting communities.

    I 100% agree with Sarah on this and to what she posted earlier.  Hang in there!

  • imagelilcrablegs:
    My kid woke up to eat for many months and just started STTN at 10 months.

    That's cool to hear...we took this long too {to consistently start STTN}. But if it's any consolation, it gets better sooner than you think! M is much better about STTN & typically only has wakeful issues if he's teething or if he's sick {earache}.

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