Hi Mommies,
I have questions regarding BF..
1. My newborn feeds every 2-3 hours. I'm finding that sometimes when he's really fussy (crying lots!!) he tends to try and suck his hand...he even gave himself a hicky on his arm one day! I know he's not hungry, as every feeding, he feeds well, however, sometimes I think he just needs to sooth himself by sucking. I'm already trying to introduce a pacifier, but he doesn't seem to take to it just yet. Just wondering if anyone has any suggestions, as sometimes I let him use me as a soother, but I know that's not good for my nipples!
2. I bought a Medela Swing pump. Just wondering when is the best time to pump (After a morning feed or evening? How often do you pump in a day?) I'm still going to BF, but in case me and baby are seperated, I'd like to pump.
3. Can you eat Peanuts or nuts while you BF? Just nervous about allergies!
Thanks and sorry so long!
Re: New Mommy with 3 Questions...
1. Sometimes when they won't take a paci, it's because they really are hungry. It may be that he's hungry sooner than you think. Newborns sometimes want to eat an hour, 30 minutes, or even less after a feeding! That's completely normal and it'll pass as they get older. Or as you said, he may just want to comfort nurse and wants you rather than the paci. Either way, as long as you're okay with it, there's really no harm in letting him stay on the breast longer or more often. On the contrary, it's good for baby and good for your supply!
2. I waited until closer to 5 weeks to pump (the first few weeks I didn't have the energy or the desire to add pumping into the routine). When I did start I'd pump about an hour after the first morning feeding. Then I'd pump while DH gave one bottle a day (in the afternoon)
3. Yup. You can eat anything at all. Sometimes LOs have sensitivities (usually dairy) but more than likely your LO will be fine with whatever you eat. Don't change anything unless you have to!
Congrats on your little one! And way to go for breastfeeding.
1. Newborns have a big need to suck and your breast is his food source and source of comfort. My little guy nursed every hour for the first few hours. I know that your nipples can get sore or you feel like a human pacifier, but it's great for your little one. Pacifiers aren't great for soothing breastfed newborns because breastmilk digest so quickly leaving him hungry often....and offering a pacifier won't help with his hunger. In the early days, you feel like you're just constantly nursing....but it gets better.
2. If he is getting only breastmilk, it may be hard to build a supply since your body makes enough for him. You have the most milk in the early morning (3-10am) and it dwindles toward the end of the day - so you could try to pump for 5-10 mins in the morning. You may only get 1-2 oz, but eventually you'll build up a supply - you could stash it in the freezer.
Also - when you're away from your baby for more than 4 hours - you'll need to pump because your breasts will become engorged and will feel uncomfortable....and you'll need to pump to keep your supply up. So your milk stash should really be for emergencies only.
3. Can you eat Peanuts or nuts while you BF? Yes! Peanut butter is my staple - it's a great source of protein. I just make sure to wash my hands and wipe my mouth before picking up baby - I think I'm just being overly cautious.
Keep doing a great job with the breastfeeding! And I've found that "The Nursing Mother's Companion" book was soooo helpful in the early months. Good luck!
You've got some really good answers here. I just want to add that you can't overfeed a breastfed baby - if he wants to suck, let him suck! Unless there's a physical reason why you can't nurse him (wrecked nipples etc), the best thing for him and you is for him to nurse when he needs it. It will be comforting for him and it will build up your supply.