
Is this normal? Don't feel full!

So DS is 11 days old today. I started out feeling VERY engorged...that went away...then my boobs felt VERY full every day and I definately knew which side to start feeding him today, at 11 days old, they aren't very sore or very full.  Is this normal?  I know everyone is different. 
DS is eating every 2 hours.  Just wondering if maybe my supply is regulating itself or something.

Re: Is this normal? Don't feel full!

  • I'm an EPer so maybe it's different, but in my experience, once my body got used to pumping at certain times my boob felt less full although they still produced the same amount of milk
  • It happened to me around 10-11 days as well. I got really concerned but I guess it was just my body regulating itself. I still get really full at night (and the most she goes is 3.5 hours at night) and DD is still satisfied at feedings so I'm guessing my supply has regulated.
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