DD is only 3 weeks old and I'm already pumping way less than I was just a few days ago.
The most I've ever been able to get pumped is about 40cc's that was about 5 days ago. The past couple of days I'm only able to pump 5-7 cc's a session. DS is breastfeeding as well...I feed her on demand and the pump the other side while she's feeding then try to fit in pumping sessions in between.
I'm takng fenugreek and now blessed thistle too drinking tons of water and now trying to pump/feed every 2-3 hours no matter what ...
Confession: There have been times in the past week that I've gone 4-5 hours between pumping/feeding-have I totally screwed myself here?
Any suggestions?
Re: My supply is already tanking??
This is my question too. Your supply regulates for like the first 12 weeks.
I know you're feeding on demand, but you may want to make sure baby takes full feeds and don't let baby go more than 3 hours without eating. Baby probably won't but at that age sometimes they can sleep for hours.
Also, baby may be going through a growth spurt soon so don't be suprised if it feels like you're feeding every hour on the hour for what seems like hours. That's pretty standard at that age. I swear I fed DD for two hours straight at some point, going from one breast to the other and then the other again and again.
You're supply is regulating at this point to meet baby's needs in the future, so that's pretty standard.