Not an idiot! There's so much to learn - I've heard of all sorts of new things since I started BFing.
Oversupply is just what it sounds like - you've got more milk than baby needs. It can cause you to be engorged for longer than normal, have a forceful letdown (causing baby to gag, sputter, choke, not want to latch, not be able to comfort suck etc), and sometimes it makes it hard for baby to get hind milk (which can lead to more spit up, gassiness, green poops, etc).
Some women naturally have a bit of oversupply while other women create an oversupply by extra pumping on top of BFing in the first few weeks.
I'm one of those BFing overachievers as I'd like to call it. Its NO fun. DS was nearly drowning in and choking on my milk every feeding. He was/still is a very gassy baby but it was much worse before I got my supply under control. He was gaining a lb a week because of this - he's now almost 13lbs at almost 6 weeks. After seeing an LC, I was told I had an oversupply and very quick letdown and since doing what she's said (had to feeding one boob 3 consecutive feedings, hand express the other to provide relief at first), I'm back to feeding each boob at each feeding except during the night and his tummy is feeling better.
Oversupply is just what it sounds like - you've got more milk than baby needs. It can cause you to be engorged for longer than normal, have a forceful letdown (causing baby to gag, sputter, choke, not want to latch, not be able to comfort suck etc), and sometimes it makes it hard for baby to get hind milk (which can lead to more spit up, gassiness, green poops, etc).
Thanks for being so sweet and understanding!
Hmmm........These things (in bold) are going on right now with my DD. I even had that on my list to talk to the pedi about next week at our 2 month. DD has been choking a lot more, but I thought someone on this board said that was a sign of reflux. ?? She's also been spitting up more and has had more green poopy diapers than yellow lately.
I have had diarrhea for 2 straight weeks now (yeah, I know. Doctor doesn't know what's wrong with me) and I felt like I was starting to dehydrate and my supply was decreasing, so I bought some More Milk Plus. Been taking it for 2-3 days now and also pumping after our morning feeding in addition to right before I go to bed. Do you think I shouldn't be doing this?
the pedi originally diagnosed my DS with reflux also. It wasn't that at all, it was my supply screwing him all up. Do you have a place at the hospital where you can do a weigh and feed? Or a BF support group? LC to talk to? I'd start there because if you go to the pedi they will most likely refer you to the LC.
Re: Sorry, but what is oversupply?
Not an idiot! There's so much to learn - I've heard of all sorts of new things since I started BFing.
Oversupply is just what it sounds like - you've got more milk than baby needs. It can cause you to be engorged for longer than normal, have a forceful letdown (causing baby to gag, sputter, choke, not want to latch, not be able to comfort suck etc), and sometimes it makes it hard for baby to get hind milk (which can lead to more spit up, gassiness, green poops, etc).
Some women naturally have a bit of oversupply while other women create an oversupply by extra pumping on top of BFing in the first few weeks.
I'm one of those BFing overachievers as I'd like to call it. Its NO fun. DS was nearly drowning in and choking on my milk every feeding. He was/still is a very gassy baby but it was much worse before I got my supply under control. He was gaining a lb a week because of this - he's now almost 13lbs at almost 6 weeks. After seeing an LC, I was told I had an oversupply and very quick letdown and since doing what she's said (had to feeding one boob 3 consecutive feedings, hand express the other to provide relief at first), I'm back to feeding each boob at each feeding except during the night and his tummy is feeling better.
Thanks for being so sweet and understanding!
Hmmm........These things (in bold) are going on right now with my DD. I even had that on my list to talk to the pedi about next week at our 2 month. DD has been choking a lot more, but I thought someone on this board said that was a sign of reflux. ?? She's also been spitting up more and has had more green poopy diapers than yellow lately.
I have had diarrhea for 2 straight weeks now (yeah, I know. Doctor doesn't know what's wrong with me) and I felt like I was starting to dehydrate and my supply was decreasing, so I bought some More Milk Plus. Been taking it for 2-3 days now and also pumping after our morning feeding in addition to right before I go to bed. Do you think I shouldn't be doing this?