I just opened and tried out my new double electric pump for the first time today. I have to say I am extremely disappointed in the outcome. After five minutes time, where other bottles on the Medela I rented last month would be nearly full - the Lansinoh bottles just had a few drops. As in literally, a few drops... the suction and speed are soooooo crazy slow... maybe one "suck" every 2 seconds - no baby sucks that slow!! I'm frustrated. Everything was placed right and plugged in right... what do I do???
Re: Lansinoh pump users - come in please!
First of all, I assume you were renting a hospital grade, like a Symphony? Personal pumps just aren't going to be quite as powerful or have as many features. Did you turn the speed dial all the way up? I always pumped on the max speed with the Double Electric; just worked better for me and was closer to my baby's sucking rhythm. The Speed and Suction dials aren't totally independent (like with all pumps I've tried) so if you're making the suction really high, the speed will slow down some.
Pumping should take 15-20 min. Were you pumping right after feeding or replacing a feeding (like at work?)?
Beginning to think mine is a dud..... the speed and suction are all the way up... and literally three drops came out in the time I tried to pump. It's ridiculous. I'll call the company, take it to the LC tomorrow and if all else fails just re-rent the Symphony I had!
It's even more frustrating because I have suuuuuuuch overactive letdown and this stupid pump does nothing.
In case you didn't understand my post...
DON'T turn the suction all the way up. It makes the pump go much slower than if it's at a low/mid level suction, even if the speed dial is all the way up. Try doing speed all the way up with suction at midway.
Sounds like it could be a defective pump - did you buy in person or was it shipped to you? Shipped items can get thrown around which is obviously not good for a pump.
I didn't misunderstand; obviously I've tried troubleshooting of my own (messing around with the controls, trying one at a time, etc.) I just didn't write it all out. Thanks for your help.
I'm just going to rerent the Symphony. It was awesome anyway, and in the long run it'd be about the same amount to rent for the next year as it would be to buy another pump AND risk not loving it.
I had my Lansinoh shipped to me, so you may have something there. I'll take it to my LC and then contact Lansinoh to see if they could repair/replace it.
Thanks again.