
Mastitis & Weaning Question

Hi there! I'm new to this board but in need of some advice. If it helps, I have been EPing since C was born. 

Any help you can provide is great!

I'm 3.5 months post partum and the past week has been particularly tough. First, I got a blister on my nipple, then my boob got really sore and tender and resulted in a bout of mastitis. I took tylenol and pumped the breast every 2 hours. Yesterday was the first day that my boob didn't hurt at all and I went back to my normal pumping schedule (5x/day). Well, overnight I noticed that the same boob felt tender again. And now it feels full, even after I pump. I'm thinking this is going to be another round of mastitis so, as a precaution, I am going to pump more today and call my dr for a prescription for antibiotics because I don't think I really got rid of the infection.

So my question is this, how is a person supposed to wean when mastitis is a possibility? If the way to get rid of mastitis is to pump more, wouldn't that send a signal that more milk needs to be produced?

My goal was to pump until C was 9 months old but after this week I don't know if I will be able to make it to that. But on the flip side, I'm afraid I'm going to be pumping forever because I'm afraid to drop/reduce pumping if mastitis is a possibility. Either way, I'm just feeling really discouraged :(

Re: Mastitis & Weaning Question

  • The key is to do it gradually. Rather than dropping a pumping session altogether, pump a little less each time until you're able to drop the session without becoming engorged.

    I'd wait until you're sure the infection is cleared up, and then start trying to wean. If the infection is still lingering, you'll probably end up with another case of mastitis.

    You will have a week or so of some discomfort as your body adjusts, but if you do it veeeeeery gradually, you shouldn't develop any problems.


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