
Discouraged about supplementing with formula -- advice?

My daughter hasn't gained any weight since leaving the hospital, so LC now has me pumping and bottle feeding 8-10 times per day (2 actual BF are okay) and supplementing with formula to make sure she gets 1.5-2 oz per feeding.  I'm really upset about having to supplement with formula and bummed because I'm only getting 1 oz when I pump.  If you've been through something like this before and have been able to return to EBF, I'd love to hear about your experience.  Could definitely use some encouragement.  Or I read a previous post in which it sounded like some moms do both BF and formula.  If you have done both with a newborn, please tell me about it.  I am feeling very discouraged as I really wanted to EBF.  Thanks!
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Re: Discouraged about supplementing with formula -- advice?

  • I had to supplement for about a week until LO came back to birth weight. When he got back to birthweight I was able to give up the supplementing, no problem, and have been EBF ever pedi let me only supplement every other feeding though and it got him back to birthweight just fine in that week.

    Just make sure you are letting LO suck on your breasts as long as she likes on both sides before giving the formula. This might be 45-1hr on each side. That will ensure she is stimulating you enough to produce the amount of milk she needs. Drink a ton of water. I was not told to pump, but I have heard that you do get very little pumping at first- when I first pumped at 3 weeks post pardum I think I got 1-2 ounces total. Remember the pump is not as effective a sucking mechanism as LO. Dont be discouraged. There are plently of moms who have had to supplement and dont have to forever. You may choose to continue to supplement on an ongoing basis and that is fine too. Hang in'll get her to brithweight in no time.  

  • I'm really glad you asked, and hope to hear the responses as I am in a similar situation.

    I get next to nothing when I pump (1-1.5 oz). I can not seem to satisfy LO by ebf, and she just got back to her birthweight after 1 month +. I also have to use formula which is super frustrating! Something I never wanted to do

    I have been taking Mother's Milk and fenugreek and fennel supplements as well. These make a noticable difference, but I'm still struggling

    I'm glad to hear I'm not alone, hang in there!!  

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  • My DD was having difficulty gaining during her first three weeks. We decided to supplement every other feed with formula. I would pump after each feed where she had a bottle. She started to gain weight rapidly.Within a couple of weeks I dropped the number of bottles to 3 four oz bottles in a 24 hr period. She would get one mid morning, one in the evening, and one sometime during the night. Again, I pumped after each bottle was given. Now she usually only gets two bottles; one mid morning, and one around 8:30pm. She doing awesome. Also, it has actually been a huge help. My three year old and I love going out and doing fun things. So giving DD a bottle mid morning works well for us. I can take the girls to the park, library, or running errands without having to stop to bf (DD usually take 30-40 min). Then I bf during the rest of the afternoon while DD #1 is napping, in the evening, and when DD wakes up during the night. My ob had said to me it doesn't matter how DD get breast milk, as long as she gets it. I stressed myself out so badly about DD#1's slow weight gain that i had to stop nursing at 3 months, the stress was just too much. This time we nipped things in the bud immidately and I am very happy with how things are working this time around. BTW I'm not a good pumper either. I usually get 1.5-2oz total with both breasts together. Remember what you pump is not a true indicator of what you really make. I found to have lots of useful information that helped me relax about things. Good luck
  • Ds didn't get to his birthweight until 3.5 weeks old...didn't gain any weight in the first two weeks.  I did what you are doing, except I didn't supplement with formula.  I pumped like a mad woman after bf'ing...I bf'ed like 12-15 times a day and then would pump after like 8 feedings.  I supplement with ebm about 5 times a day, 1-1.5 oz each time (whatever it would take until ds seemed full).  My supply was low and I needed that extra stimulation of the pump to get it up (ds was diagnosed as a "lazy sucker").  The entire process gradually slowed down, and by about 6 weeks he was only taking a bottle of ebm 3ish times a day.  By week 8 I was done supplementing with a bottle and fully bf'ing!  :)  (just in time for me to go back to work, pump, and give ds a bottle...but still!).  I ebf him until he was 6 months old, started solids and continued bf'ing him, started cow's milk at 1 year, and now, at 15 months, I continue to bf him 2-3 times a day. 

    It was an insane amount of work in the moment..but looking back, I am SO glad that it worked out the way it did.  Good luck to will get so much easier as time goes on, no matter what you choose to do.  And supplementing with formula is not the end of the world-whatever you need to do to keep your baby full!

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  • When DS was born he started latching like a champ.  I was so happy because I had problems with DD.  Before we left the hosptial DS had a little problem with jaundice and weight loss so we had to take him back for the follow up.  I was told not to worry about supplementing (I was so afraid because of what happened with DD) and when we took DS back his jaundice was worse and he had lost more weight.  I had to supplement.

    I did for about a week until his weight was up.  We did a combo of BF, pumping and formula.  My milk was late due to C/S.  Within a week DS was off the formula, my supply was up and he is EBF and has been for over a week!

    Don't be discouraged.  It is okay.  Just make sure you always offer your breast before a bottle or formula.  Then give the supplement.  That way your supply will increase.

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  • When DD was born she weighed 8 lbs 2 oz.  When we were discharged she was down to 7 lbs 9 oz.  By her 5 day appoint she was 6 lbs 13 oz.  She was jaundiced and extremely sleepy, it was a fight to get her to nurse.  Her labs came back elevated and we had to take her to the ER for an IV - it was extremely traumatizing.  At the advice of the pedi I BFed her like I normally would and then offered 2 oz of formula when she pulled off.  She would take about an oz to an oz and a half.  After a couple days she was clearly more alert and taking more from the breast, plus gaining at a good pace (we had daily doc appoints for 3 days after) so I started offering formula after every other feeding and, after 4 days, we stopped it altogether.  By her two week appoint we were EBFing with no problem and she was only 3 oz under her birth weight, gaining over a lb in one week.

    It was traumatizing and discouraging and I considered giving up but DD is now a nursing champ and I actually am enjoying BFing for the first time.

    Oh also I only got an oz or two at a time when pumping initially but now I'm up to 3-5 oz a session, your supply should increase as she grows.  GL!

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  • DD lost 10% of birth weight in the hospital, so the ped had us supplement after each feeding. I was in tears for two days about it bc I thought it meant we'd never be successful at bfing. DD only latched to one side, so I'd feed her, pump the other and feed that to her, and then give her 1/2 oz of formula. It was exhuasting. I had a c-section, and my milk came in about day 5. After four days of supplementing, she was spitting up quite a bit of the formula, so I decided (without consulting anyone) to stop supplementing. She gained 4 oz in 3 days and was back up over her birth weight by 2 weeks. We are now close to 7 weeks out, and she is ebf. We only supplemented for four days total during her first week. She still only latches to one side, so I pump the other and use it to create a freezer stash for when I go back to work (I only get about 1/2 oz to 1 oz out of that side per pump and am pretty lazy about it since it's just extra. She has gained over 3 lbs in 7 weeks!

    Hang in there! I now it's frustrating, but just nurse, nurse,  nurse. There were days when she ate every 45 minutes and would be on forever. She'd fall asleep through the whole feeding. I'd say that it became easier and more routine at 4 weeks. GL!

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  • ToraniTorani member
    DS lost 13% of his birthweight in the first few days due to poor suction and poor latchon.  I would nurse, pump and feed him a bottle that was half BM and half formula.  The only way I could get him to nurse well was with a nipple sheild.  He got much better as time went on and by six weeks we have been EBF ever since!  It can improve and I hope it does for you!
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