Can I just say how not a day goes by lately that I don't regret sticking with BFing. I did it for the first week and quit. Honestly, there was a lack of support all around me, I had the baby blues, and was in pain but the LC told me I was doing everything right.
They had my LO tested for cystic fibrosis because he wasn't regaining birth weight fast enough and that just added to the stress of everything. And now he has eczema which I can't help but question would it have been different if I kept BFing? Also can I just say the expense of formula is a crusher these days. Those two things are why I regret it so much every day. I also enjoyed the bonding and closeness aspect of it.
So I guess I just wanted to say I commend all of you that stuck with it and envy you really. And to those that are just beginning or are still PG and planning on doing it, make a list of reasons why you want to do it, and read that list when you are doubting yourself. Have a person or friend to call that will give you support when everyone around you is saying it's not worth it.
Also, just a note, I don't think there is anything wrong with not BFing if you choose that route, but if you have it in your heart to do BF and you are having minimal issues, don't give up, seek help from the right people. Here I am 5 months later with so much regret that I didn't get the right help and support.
Thanks for letting me vent this out here.
Re: Regrets
I love that you came back and posted this. As you said, there's nothing wrong with formula but for those that really want to BF it's hard not to be able to follow through. It takes a lot of courage to admit your disappointment. What you wrote will help those who are still struggling to see from a different perspective.
I hope with any future LOs that you have the support you need to succeed at BF!
This, don't be too hard on yourself, I'm sure it helps to talk about it (vent). I'm sure your a great mommy and that is what is most important to your DC.
This! With my first daughter I quit around 4-5 weeks. She was going through a growth spurt and I got really frustrated. Like you, I had a lot of stress in my life at the time and I couldn't handle anything. I wish I had gotten some sort of support when I needed it...but hindsight is always 20/20.
BFing is going much, much better this time around. I knew what to expect and I am not afraid to ask for help/support if I need it. I hope that when/if you have another baby you'll be able to get the support you need! In the meantime, know that you're doing the best for your baby. As long as she's getting fed somehow and getting plenty of love that's all that really matters in the long run